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Gill Langston

Gill Langston

Gill Langston is a product expert in the cybersecurity software industry. He is currently the principal product manager at Avast Business, focusing on Network Security services offered in CloudCare

Articles by author


Is your small business being targeted by supply chain hackers?

Find out how to protect your business from being the weak security link in the digital supply chain

06 August 2019 18 min read


A Guide to Defense in Depth for SMBs

How does a defense in depth strategy help SMBs?

06 June 2019 10 min read

Network Security

Web Threats Affecting SMBs in 2019

Learn more about how web threats are evolving and becoming more intelligent.

18 April 2019 15 min read

IT Pros Turn to the Cloud to Speed the Transition to Managed Security

CloudCare's central portal, by Avast Business, provides SMBs with the key services for great IT Security. In the race to stay ahead of new cyberthreats and unexpected security issues for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), how can IT specialists and service providers continue to grow revenue, win new business, and compete effectively? Adding

23 July 2018 10 min read